Check Out Our Events

Our Club Events

Caffeinate & Collaborate

It starts with open networking at 8 AM - followed by a meeting packed with introductions/ referrals and powerful speakers to level up your networking skills - all in an hour!

 Wednesdays 8:30 - 9:30 AM
Location: Unity Grounds Coffee Shop @ 214 Nelson St, Cartersville

Nourish Your Network

Gather at a local eatery for lunch and nourish your network by perfecting your networking skills. We rotate between training, working the reciprocity ring, and monthly networking. 

First Tuesday of the Month
Location: Rotating - Check Out
Facebook for more information


Socialize & Share

Come hang out in a relaxed atmosphere where we take over a fun local venue in the area and spend time relaxing and getting to know each other outside of a business setting. Bring your friends and family.

Every 2nd Thursday of the Month
Location: Rotating - Check Out
Facebook for more information

Have a Local Venue?

The Cartersville Business Club is always looking
to help support local venues and restaurants.
Do you have a local spot we can hang out in?
Let us know! 

Our Club Members Events

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”

— Coretta Scott King

Want to join the CBC
and become a Member?